Article of the day
May 15, 2020




Suren Avunjian

Virtual Fireside Chat Recap - Helpful Links

July 26, 2021
May 2020

Thank to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to attend Tuesday’s Fireside Chat. We hope you found the information helpful.

The chat was the first of what we hope to be regular check-ins with industry experts working together to provide testing insights and practical guidance for laboratories across the country during these uncertain times.

Our roundtable discussion focused on COVID-19 testing with a group of experts and customers running over 20,000 daily COVID-19 samples cumulatively.

The discussion centered on what it takes to bring up COVID-19 testing, and how joining LigoLab’s Load-balancing and routing Network for Partner Labs and using TestDirectly will help boost national testing capacity, while also allowing labs to offset the lost revenue they’ve experienced during the pandemic. TestDirectly is a direct-to-consumer portal that streamlines the collection process, making it touchless and safe for patients and healthcare workers.

To help with any questions that you still might have, the Fireside Chat Recording and Slide Deck are available for download, and so is our Guide to Managing Laboratory Operations During Uncertain Times.

We’re here to support you and your laboratory throughout the COVID-19 crisis, and we encourage you to engage with us to directly learn more about our LIS & RCM Platform, our Network of Labs, and our TestDirectly portal.

At LigoLab, we help labs grow and thrive

Founded in 2006, LigoLab Information System is a leading provider of innovative end-to-end healthcare software that partners with laboratories, servicing 100+ facilities nationwide. The LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Operating Platform™ goes beyond the core workflow and provides all the supporting modules a laboratory needs. LigoLab's mission is to help laboratories reduce errors, scale their operations, and revenues.


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